Monday, July 5, 2010

Perhaps this round is on Mario

Last night me and Ben hiked across Ring Mountain with a thirty rack. That's dedication. We crashed at the Young's House because they're in Tahoe and we needed a place to crash. We were good to the cats. This Morning i woke up and realized one of my wisdom teeth is coming in. This brought attention to the fact that I haven't been to the dentist in at least a year if not longer. I'm in no rush to get this thing pulled out. Dentists suck. what kind of sick fuck aspires to play with people's teeth all day long? I've been poking at it with my tongue all day and it feels weird. If you don't get them pulled it can fuck your teeth up i guess but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. As long as I don't end up looking like Radio I think its alright. In other news I found an ID on the ground today. I'm 99% sure its a real California ID and the guy is Mexican. He looks like I could be his illegitimate love child, or younger brother maybe. The only problem is that he was born in 1972, making him thirty eight: I don't look thirty eight by any means. At least we look somewhat similar and the guy looks like he's twenty five tops. His name is Mario. Also, he's five foot three and has green eyes. If my drivers licences was legal proof that I was the world's one and only Mexican Leprechaun I would have probably thrown it out into the street at some point too.


  1. 1. I thought you were supposed to be really cutty about staying at will's.... I bet they read your blog. I know em does!

    2. too bad about the ID.

    3. you should go to the dentist. Camilly and I wouldn't want you to look like radio.

    you see maybe if I comment on your blog other people will too and you'll get tons of followerssss!!

  2. Bitch it worked. I dont even think I have insurance anyways so you might just have to pull my teeth for me.

  3. this entry is why i believe in the future of america.
